Branch Coverage


1020TFif (defined $cat) { }
1600TFunless my $alertid = shift @_
1610TFif $debug
1810TFif ($borrowernumber and $borrowernumber =~ /^\d+$/)
1850TFif ($type)
1890TFif ($externalid)
2140TFunless my $type = shift @_
2150TFunless my $externalid = shift @_
2160TF$type eq 'borrower' ? :
0TF$type eq 'issue' ? :
2200TFunless ($q)
2450TFif ($type eq 'issue') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'claimacquisition') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'claimissues') { }
2820TFif ($$borinfo{'email'})
2900TFunless sendmail(%mail)
3290TFif ($type eq 'claimacquisition' or $type eq 'claimissues') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'members') { }
3530TFif $$letter{'content'} =~ m[(<order>.*</order>)]msx
3590TFif $field =~ /price/
3630TFif ($order_format)
3710TFif $field =~ /price/
3830TFif ($orders_infos[0]{'aqbooksellers.bookselleremail'} or $orders_infos[0]{'aqbooksellers.contemail'}) { }
3860TFif $to
3950TFunless sendmail(%mail)
3960TFif $debug
3970TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('LetterLog'))
3980TFif $type eq 'claimacquisition'
3990TFif $type eq 'claimissues'
4050TFif $debug
4240TFunless sendmail(%mail)
4440TFunless ($table)
4490TFif defined $handles{$table}
4500TF$table eq 'aqbooksellers' ? :
0TF$table eq 'suggestions' ? :
0TF$table eq 'branches' ? :
0TF$table eq 'borrowers' ? :
0TF$table eq 'reserves' ? :
0TF$table eq 'issues' ? :
0TF$table eq 'items' ? :
0TF$table eq 'biblioitems' ? :
0TF$table eq 'biblio' ? :
4600TFunless ($query)
4640TFunless ($handles{$table} = 'C4::Context'->dbh->prepare($query))
4730TFunless ($letter)
4780TFunless ($sth)
4820TFif ($pk2) { }
4910TFif ($table eq 'reserves' and $$values{'waitingdate'})
5090TFif $$values{$field}
5110TFif $$letter{'title'}
5120TFif $$letter{'content'}
5310TFunless my $params = shift @_
5330TFunless exists $$params{'letter'}
5340TFunless exists $$params{'borrowernumber'}
5350TFunless exists $$params{'message_transport_type'}
5380TFif ($$params{'attachments'})
5870TFif $$params{'verbose'} or $debug
5920TFif lc $$message{'message_transport_type'} eq 'rss'
5930TFif (lc $$message{'message_transport_type'} eq 'email') { }
0TFelsif (lc $$message{'message_transport_type'} eq 'sms') { }
6140TFunless $params
6150TFunless ref $params
6160TFunless $$params{'borrowernumber'}
6610TFif (exists $$params{'borrowernumber'})
6660TFif (@whereclauses)
6700TFif (defined $$params{'limit'})
6970TFunless 'HASH' eq ref $params
6990TFunless exists $$params{$required_parameter}
7010TFunless @{$$params{'attachments'};}
7360TFif (ref $params)
7370TFif ($$params{'message_transport_type'})
7410TFif ($$params{'borrowernumber'})
7450TFif ($$params{'limit'})
7500TFif $debug
7510TFif $debug
7580TFunless my $message = shift @_
7620TFunless ($to_address)
7640TFunless ($member)
7720TFif ($which_address eq 'OFF') { }
7770TFunless ($to_address)
7970TFif $username
7980TFif (my $bcc = 'C4::Context'->preference('OverdueNoticeBcc'))
8020TFunless $$message{'to_address'}
8030TFif (sendmail(%sendmail_params)) { }
8160TFunless my $message = shift @_
8180TFunless $$member{'smsalertnumber'}
8230TF$success ? :
8350TFunless my $params = shift @_
8380TFunless exists $$params{$required_parameter}