Branch Coverage


1450TFif $resdate
1460TFunless $resdate
1470TFif ($expdate) { }
1520TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture'))
1590TFif ($found eq 'W')
1650TFif ($fee > 0)
1950TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced'))
2240TFunless $const eq 'o' or $const eq 'e'
2490TFunless my($biblionumber) = shift @_
2690TFunless ($all_dates)
2800TFif ($$data{'constrainttype'} eq 'o')
2990TFif ($count > 1) { }
3350TFunless ($all_dates)
3560TFif ($status) { }
3900TFif (@hostitems)
3950TFif CanItemBeReserved($borrowernumber, $item)
4150TF'C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes') ? :
4480TFif ($controlbranch eq 'ItemHomeLibrary') { }
0TFelsif ($controlbranch eq 'PatronLibrary') { }
4580TFif (my $rights = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { }
4690TFif $itemtype ne '*'
4720TFif ($itemtype eq '*') { }
4790TFif (my $rowcount = $sthcount->fetchrow_hashref)
4840TFif ($reservecount < $allowedreserves) { }
5280TFif ($checkreserves)
5300TFif ($$iteminfo{'holdingbranch'} ne $$checkreserves{'branchcode'}) { }
5910TFif ($fee > 0)
6020TFif ($const eq 'a') { }
6090TFif (@$bibitems->{'biblioitemnumber'} == $$data{'biblioitemnumber'})
6160TFif ($const eq 'o') { }
6170TFif ($found == 1)
6220TFif ($found == 0)
6460TFif (my $isdata = $sth3->fetchrow_hashref) { }
6540TFif ($allissued == 0)
6580TFif (my $rdata = $rsth->fetchrow_hashref) { }
7080TFif ($frombranch)
7130TFif ($frombranch) { }
7720TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes')) { }
7970TFif ($item) { }
8080TFunless $itemnumber
8120TFif $notforloan_per_item > 0 or $notforloan_per_itemtype
8220TFif (scalar @reserves)
8250TFif ($$res{'itemnumber'} == $itemnumber and $$res{'priority'} == 0) { }
8290TFif ($$res{'priority'} and $$res{'priority'} < $priority)
8340TFif $$branchitemrule{'holdallowed'} == 0
8350TFif $$branchitemrule{'holdallowed'} == 1 and $branch ne $$borrowerinfo{'branchcode'}
8450TFif ($highest)
8970TFif ($item and $borr) { }
10120TFif $rank eq 'W'
10130TFif $rank eq 'n'
10150TFif ($rank eq 'del') { }
0TFelsif ($rank =~ /^\d+/ and $rank > 0) { }
11190TFunless ($priority == 0)
11500TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('ReturnToShelvingCart') and $newstatus)
11830TF$request && $$request{'found'} eq 'W' ? :
11870TFif ($transferToDo) { }
12110TFif not $transferToDo and not $already_on_shelf
12130TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('ReturnToShelvingCart'))
13600TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes')) { }
13750TFif (my($notforloan) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
13760TFif $notforloan
13800TFif $$item{'itemlost'} or $$item{'notforloan'} > 0 or $$item{'damaged'} and not 'C4::Context'->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') or $$item{'wthdrawn'} or $notforloan_per_itemtype
13870TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('AllowOnShelfHolds')) { }
14140TFif ($where eq 'up' or $where eq 'down') { }
0TFelsif ($where eq 'top') { }
0TFelsif ($where eq 'bottom') { }
14170TF$where eq 'up' ? :
14740TFif ($rank eq 'del')
14770TFif ($rank eq 'W' or $rank eq '0')
15160TFif ($borrowernumber == $priority[$i]{'borrowernumber'})
15230TFif ($key > -1 and $rank ne 'del' and $rank > 0)
15520TFunless ($ignoreSetLowestRank)
16060TFif (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
16090TFif @results
16360TFif (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
16390TFif @results
16920TFif ($which_address eq 'OFF') { }
17010TFif ($to_address or $$borrower{'smsalertnumber'}) { }
17040TFif not defined $$messagingprefs{'letter_code'}
17240TFunless $letter
17310TFif ($$reserve{'itemnumber'})
17390TFif ($print_mode)
17490TFif (grep {$_ eq 'email';} @{$$messagingprefs{'transports'};})
17600TFif (grep {$_ eq 'sms';} @{$$messagingprefs{'transports'};})
17970TFif $min_priority
18320TFunless $res
18370TFif ($$res{'borrowernumber'} == $borrowernumber) { }
18470TFunless $$_{'borrowernumber'} == $borrowernumber
18480TFunless $$_{'biblionumber'} == $biblionumber
18540TFif ($borr_res)
18590TFif ($cancelreserve)
18800TFif (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)