Branch Coverage


1340TFif ($keys)
1350TFif defined $_
1360TFif (@criteria)
1420TFif ($orderby)
1450TFref $orderby ? :
1460TFif (ref $order) { }
1470TF$$order{$_} ? :
1560TFif ($limit)
1600TFif $debug and $values
1630TFif $@ and $debug
1790TF$withprimarykeys ? :
1820TFif $debug
1850TFif $@ and $debug
2040TFunless $keys
2090TFif $debug
2140TFif $@ and $debug
2300TFif ($keys)
2340TFif $debug
2380TFif $@ and $debug
2890TFunless (exists $$hashref{$tablename})
3190TFif ($filtercolumns) { }
3240TFif ($research) { }
3510TFif (ref $filter_input eq 'HASH') { }
0TFelsif (ref $filter_input eq 'ARRAY') { }
3530TFif (my $special = delete $$filter_input{''})
3570TFif ($hkeys)
3610TFif ($keys) { }
3710TFif ($localkeys)
3720TFif defined $_
3830TFif $debug
3850TFif ($keys) { }
4070TFif $$columns{$field}{'Type'} =~ /date/ and not $$filter_input{$field} =~ 'C4::Dates'->regexp('iso')
4110TFif (@$tmpkeys)
4160TFif (@keys) { }
4260TFunless $filter_input
4300TFif @operands > 1 and $searchtype =~ /start_with/o
4390TFif ($tmpkeys)
4480TFif (@keys) { }
4610TFunless ref $operand eq 'ARRAY'
4670TFif (not $searchtype or $searchtype eq 'exact')
4700TFindex($field, '.') > 0 ? :
4710TFif ($field =~ /(?<!zip)code|(?<!card)number/ and $searchtype ne 'exact')
4740TFif ($$columns{$col_field}{'Type'} =~ /varchar|text/i)
4760TFif ($searchtype eq 'contain')
4820TFif ($searchtype eq 'field_start_with')
4880TFif ($searchtype eq 'start_with')