line | % | coverage | condition |
251 | 0 | | defined $options and exists $$options{'defer_marc_save'} and $$options{'defer_marc_save'} |
315 | 0 | | scalar $field->subfields == 0 or scalar $field->subfields == 1 and $field->subfield('9') |
324 | 0 | | not $frameworkcode or $frameworkcode eq 'Default' |
489 | 0 | | 'C4::Context'->preference('LinkerModule') || 'Default' |
502 | 0 | | 'C4::Context'->preference('CatalogModuleRelink') || '' |
545 | 0 | | defined $current_link and !$allowrelink || !'C4::Context'->preference('LinkerRelink') |
555 | 0 | | defined $current_link and $current_link == $authid |
562 | 0 | | defined $current_link and !$allowrelink || 'C4::Context'->preference('LinkerKeepStale') |
578 | 0 | | $$_[0] =~ /[A-z]/ and $$_[0] ne 'a' |
655 | 0 | | $$row{'subfieldcode'} ne '' and $field->subfield($$row{'subfieldcode'}) |
904 | 0 | | $1 || 0 |
905 | 0 | | $2 || '' |
932 | 0 | | $calculated and not $hasputtextbefore |
969 | 0 | | $calculated and not $hasputtextbefore |
1058 | 0 | | defined $marc_structure_cache and exists $$marc_structure_cache{$forlibrarian}{$frameworkcode} |
1077 | 0 | | $forlibrarian || !$libopac |
1112 | 0 | | $forlibrarian || !$libopac |
1148 | 0 | | shift @_ || '' |
1172 | 0 | | $kohafield and defined $frameworkcode |
1193 | 0 | | shift @_ || 0 |
1314 | 0 | | $record->subfield('700', 'a') || '' |
1315 | 0 | | $record->subfield('700', 'b') || '' |
1328 | 0 | | $record->subfield('210', 'd') || '' |
1329 | 0 | | $record->subfield('210', 'c') || '' |
1330 | 0 | | $record->subfield('010', 'a') || '' |
1331 | 0 | | $record->subfield('011', 'a') || '' |
1348 | 0 | | $record->subfield('245', 'b') || '' |
1351 | 0 | | $record->field('008') || '' |
1353 | 0 | | $record->subfield('773', 'z') || '' |
1354 | 0 | | $record->subfield('773', 'x') || '' |
1356 | 0 | | $record->subfield('773', 't') || $record->subfield('773', 'a') |
1358 | 0 | | $record->subfield('773', 't') || $record->subfield('773', 'a') || '' |
1367 | 0 | | $record->subfield('260', 'c') || '' |
1368 | 0 | | $record->subfield('260', 'b') || '' |
1369 | 0 | | $record->subfield('020', 'a') || '' |
1370 | 0 | | $record->subfield('022', 'a') || '' |
1493 | 0 | | $opac && $$data{'lib_opac'} |
1512 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' or $marcflavour eq 'NORMARC' |
1655 | 0 | | $field->tag >= $mintag and $field->tag <= $maxtag |
1666 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' and $$subject_subfield[0] =~ /2|3|4|5/ |
1669 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' and $$subject_subfield[0] =~ /2/ |
1692 | 0 | | $$subject_subfield[0] eq 9 or $$subject_subfield[0] eq '0' |
1718 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavour eq 'NORMARC' |
1730 | 0 | | $field->tag >= $mintag and $field->tag <= $maxtag |
1741 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' and $$authors_subfield[0] =~ /3|5/ |
1757 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' and $$authors_subfield[0] eq '4' |
1762 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' and $$authors_subfield[0] =~ /4/ |
1769 | 0 | | $$authors_subfield[0] eq '9' or $$authors_subfield[0] eq '0' |
1826 | 0 | A | B | C | D | dec |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | X | 1 | 0 | 1 | X | X | 1 | 1 | X | X | X | 1 |
| $link || $s3 || 'C4::Context'->preference('URLLinkText') || $url |
1828 | 0 | | defined $s3 and $s3 =~ /^[Tt]able/ |
1830 | 0 | | $field->subfield('2') || 'C4::Context'->preference('URLLinkText') || $url |
1933 | 0 | | $marcflavour ||= 'MARC21' |
1934 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavour eq 'NORMARC' |
2024 | 0 | | $marcflavour ||= 'MARC21' |
2031 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavour eq 'NORMARC' |
2131 | 0 | | 'C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' and @$tags[$i] eq '100' and @$subfields[$i] eq 'a' |
2136 | 0 | | $enc eq '01' or $enc eq '50' or $enc eq '03' |
2165 | 0 | | @$tags[$i] and @$tags[$i] > 10 and @$values[$i] ne '' |
2215 | 0 | | 'C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' and not $unimarc_and_100_exist |
2243 | 0 | | not defined $s or $s eq '' |
2338 | 0 | | defined $params[$j] and $params[$j] =~ /_code_/ |
2345 | 0 | | $fval ne '' and $newfield |
2380 | 0 | | $limit_table || 0 |
2388 | 0 | | defined $limit_table and $limit_table eq 'items' |
2407 | 0 | A | B | C | dec |
0 | 0 | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | X | 1 | 1 |
| $key eq 'biblionumber' || $key eq 'biblioitemnumber' and $field->data eq '' |
2426 | 0 | A | B | C | dec |
0 | 0 | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | X | 1 | 1 |
| $key eq 'biblionumber' || $key eq 'biblioitemnumber' and $value eq '' |
2441 | 0 | | $temp =~ /c(\d\d\d\d)/ and $1 > 0 |
2452 | 0 | | $temp =~ /c(\d\d\d\d)/ and $1 > 0 |
2520 | 0 | | $column eq 'cn_sort' or $column eq 'cn_source' |
2842 | 0 | | $index{$key} =~ /$tag\*/ or $index{$key} =~ /$tag$subfieldcode/ |
2853 | 0 | | defined $result{$key}{$_} and $result{$key}{$_} =~ /$biblionumber,$title\-(\d);/ |
2957 | 0 | | $index{$key} =~ /$tag\*/ or $index{$key} =~ /$tag$subfieldcode/ |
2970 | 0 | | exists $result{$key}{$_} and $result{$key}{"$_"} =~ /$biblionumber,\Q$title\E\-(\d+);/ |
3008 | 0 | | $result{'__RAW__'}{"$_"} || '' |
3222 | 0 | | $dbh->errstr or not $$biblio{'biblionumber'} |
3487 | 0 | | $string and length $record->subfield(100, 'a') == 36 |
3569 | 0 | | defined $$tagslib{$tag}{$subfield}{'authorised_value'} and exists $$bibliolevel_authorised_values{$$tagslib{$tag}{$subfield}{'authorised_value'}} |
3663 | 0 | | $marcflavour ||= 'C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') |
3670 | 0 | | $marcflavour eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavour eq 'NORMARC' |
3671 | 0 | | $host->field('100') || $host->field('110') || $host->field('11') |
3715 | 0 | | $host->field('700') || $host->field('710') || $host->field('720') |