Branch Coverage


4450TFif (scalar @_ > 1) { }
470TFif (not grep /$key/, @valid_label_params)
5450TFif (not grep /$_/, @valid_label_params)
830TFif ($sth->err)
900TFif ($sth1->err)
960TF$barcode_only ? :
103100TF$_ eq 'callnumber' ? :
10750TFif $error
125100TFunless (scalar @parts)
13050TFif $debug
14450TFunless (scalar @parts)
149100TFif ($parts[0] =~ /^([-a-zA-Z]+)\s?($possible_decimal)$/)
15550TFif $debug
167100TFif (not $parts[-1] =~ /^.*\d-\d.*$/ and $parts[-1] =~ /^(.*\d+)(\D.*)$/)
17150TFunless (scalar @parts)
17550TFif $debug
1960TFif ($f =~ /^'(.*)'.*/) { }
0TFelsif ($f =~ /^($match_kohatable).*/) { }
0TFelsif ($f =~ /^([0-9a-z]{3})(\w)(\W?).*?/) { }
2030TFif ($$item{$f}) { }
2060TFif $debug
2160TFif (@marcfield)
2170TFif ($field eq $itemtag) { }
2200TFif ($itemfield->subfield($itemsubfieldcode) eq $$item{'itemnumber'})
2210TFif ($itemfield->subfield($subf)) { }
2310TFif ($marcfield[0]->subfield($subf)) { }
2920TFif $debug
3300TFif ($$self{'guidebox'})
3440TFif (_check_params(@_) eq 1)
3480TFif (exists $$self{$attr}) { }
3650TFif ($$self{'printing_type'} =~ /BIB/)
3720TFif ($$self{'printing_type'} =~ /BAR/)
3800TFif $label_text
3950TF$$item{'cn_source'} ? :
3980TFif ($$field{'code'} eq 'itemtype') { }
3990TF'C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes') ? :
4040TF$font =~ /T/ ? :
0TF$$field{'code'} eq 'title' ? :
4060TFif ($field_data)
4130TFif (grep {$$field{'code'} =~ /$_/;} @callnumber_list and $$self{'printing_type'} eq 'BIB' and $$self{'callnum_split'}) { }
4140TFif ($cn_source eq 'lcc' or $cn_source eq 'nlm') { }
0TFelsif ($cn_source eq 'ddc') { }
4160TFif not @label_lines
4170TFif not @label_lines
4200TFif not @label_lines
4210TFif not @label_lines
4280TFif ($field_data)
4360TFif ($$field{'code'} eq 'title' and scalar @line >= 2) { }
4490TFif $line eq ''
4510TFif ($$self{'justify'} eq 'R') { }
0TFelsif ($$self{'justify'} eq 'C') { }
4830TFif not $params{'barcode_data'}
4840TFif not $params{'barcode_type'}
4910TFif ($params{'barcode_type'} =~ /CODE39/) { }
0TFelsif ($params{'barcode_type'} eq 'COOP2OF5') { }
0TFelsif ($params{'barcode_type'} eq 'INDUSTRIAL2OF5') { }
4950TFif ($params{'barcode_type'} eq 'CODE39MOD') { }
0TFelsif ($params{'barcode_type'} eq 'CODE39MOD10') { }
5160TFif ($@)
5340TFif ($@)
5520TFif ($@)