Branch Coverage


1790TFif (my $borrowernumber = $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, $filter))
1840TFif (length $filter == 1) { }
2010TFif (my $fr = ref $filter) { }
2020TFif ($fr eq 'HASH') { }
2030TFif (my $search_string = $$filter{''})
2050TFif ($member_filter) { }
2210TFif ($member_filter) { }
2300TFif (not $found_borrower and 'C4::Context'->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes') and $search_string)
2320TFif (scalar @$matching_records > 0)
2330TFif (my $fr = ref $filter) { }
2340TFif ($fr eq 'HASH') { }
2540TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('IndependantBranches'))
2550TFif (my $userenv = 'C4::Context'->userenv)
2570TFif ($$userenv{'flags'} % 2 != 1 and $branch and $branch ne 'insecure')
2600TFif (my $fr = ref $filter) { }
2610TFif ($fr eq 'HASH') { }
2660TFunless ref $_
2780TFif ($found_borrower)
3230TFif ($borrowernumber) { }
0TFelsif ($cardnumber) { }
3440TFif ($$borrower{'flags'} and $$borrower{'flags'} & 2 ** $bit)
3540TFif ($$borrower{'category_type'} eq 'I') { }
3560TFif $$borrower{'firstname'}
4320TFif ($amount > 0) { }
0TFelsif ($amount < 0) { }
4370TFif ($amount > $noissuescharge and not 'C4::Context'->preference('AllowFineOverride'))
4480TFif ($$patroninformation{'gonenoaddress'} and $$patroninformation{'gonenoaddress'} == 1)
4560TFif ($$patroninformation{'lost'} and $$patroninformation{'lost'} == 1)
4620TFif ($$patroninformation{'debarred'} and check_date(split(/-/, $$patroninformation{'debarred'}, 0)))
4630TFif (Date_to_Days(Date::Calc::Today()) < Date_to_Days(split(/-/, $$patroninformation{'debarred'}, 0)))
4720TFif ($$patroninformation{'borrowernotes'} and $$patroninformation{'borrowernotes'})
4800TFif ($odues and $odues > 0)
4940TFif ($nowaiting > 0)
5260TFif (exists $information{'borrowernumber'} and not defined $information{'borrowernumber'})
5380TFif ($more_p) { }
5450TFif (defined $information{$_}) { }
5530TFif $debug
5590TFif (@{$data;})
5830TFif $$data[0]
5840TFif $$data[0]
5950TFif ($guarantor)
6000TFif $$data[0] != $borrowernumber
6380TFif $blockeddate
6500TFif $latedocs > 0
6750TFif $debug
7140TFif (exists $data{'password'})
7150TFif ($data{'password'} eq '****' or $data{'password'} eq '') { }
7220TFif ($execute_success)
7270TFif (exists $$borrowercategory{'category_type'} and $$borrowercategory{'category_type'} eq 'A')
7310TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
7530TFif $data{'userid'} eq ''
7550TF$data{'password'} ? :
7580TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
7640TFif ($sth->err)
7680TFif ($enrolmentfee and $enrolmentfee > 0)
7860TFif ($uid ne '' and my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { }
8010TF$firstname ? :
8020TFunless $offset == 0
8210TFif ($uid ne '' and my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { }
8330TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
8580TFunless $autonumber_members
8610TFif ($checkdigit and $checkdigit eq 'katipo') { }
8750TFif (not $cardnumber) { }
8940TFif $rem == 10
9840TFunless (@borrowernumbers)
9920TFif ($i < $#borrowernumbers)
10410TFif ($$_{'issuedate'})
10440TFunless $$_{'date_due'}
10460TFif ('DateTime'->compare($$_{'date_due'}, $today) == -1)
10930TFif ($limit != 0)
11340TFif ($date and $date ne '')
11430TFif ($$data{'itemnumber'})
12160TF$dateofbirth ? :
0TF$collectivity ? :
12220TFif ($collectivity) { }
0TFelsif ($dateofbirth) { }
12300TFif $data[0]
12370TFif not defined $cardnumber
12400TFif $borrowernumber
12420TFif ($borrowernumber) { }
12470TFif (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { }
13070TFif ($$data{'email'}) { }
0TFelsif ($$data{'emailpro'}) { }
0TFelsif ($$data{'B_email'}) { }
13300TFif ($categorycode)
13380TFif ($$enrolments{'enrolmentperiod'}) { }
13880TFif ($action) { }
14210TFif ($catcode)
14970TFunless $ethnicity
15170TFif (not defined $date_ref)
15250TFif ($month1 . $day1 > $month2 . $day2)
15930TFif (@{$city_arr;})
16270TFif $lib
16280TFunless $lib
16430TFunless my($member) = shift @_
16510TFunless @data
16720TFunless $borrowernumber
16860TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
17030TFunless ($date)
17040TF'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowerRenewalPeriodBase') eq 'dateexpiry' ? :
17180TFif ($enrolmentfee and $enrolmentfee > 0)
17220TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
17230TFif $sth
17580TFif ($id eq 0) { }
17810TFif ($count == 1) { }
17990TFif $debug
18050TFif $sth->errstr
18200TF$imgfile ? :
0TFif $debug
18250TFif $sth->errstr
18390TFif $debug
18450TFif $sth->errstr
19020TF'C4::Context'->preference('IndependantBranches') && 'C4::Context'->userenv && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'flags'} % 2 != 1 && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'branch'} ? :
19220TFif ($filterbranch and $filterbranch ne '')
19260TFif ($filterexpiry)
19310TFif ($filterdate)
19360TFif $debug
19380TFif (scalar @query_params > 0) { }
19630TF'C4::Context'->preference('IndependantBranches') && 'C4::Context'->userenv && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'flags'} % 2 != 1 && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'branch'} ? :
19780TFif ($filterbranch and $filterbranch ne '')
19820TFif $debug
19850TFif (scalar @query_params > 0) { }
20130TF'C4::Context'->preference('IndependantBranches') && 'C4::Context'->userenv && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'flags'} % 2 != 1 && 'C4::Context'->userenv->{'branch'} ? :
20280TFif ($filterbranch)
20330TFif $debug
20860TFunless defined $borrowernumber
20870TFunless $borrowernumber =~ /^\d+$/
21140TFunless defined $borrowernumber
21150TFunless $borrowernumber =~ /^\d+$/
21380TFif (not $borrowernumber && $message_type && $message && $branchcode)
21450TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
21630TFif (not $type)
22060TFif (not $type)
22430TFif 'C4::Context'->preference('BorrowersLog')
22650TFif ($$it{'issuedate'} eq $today) { }
0TFelsif ($$it{'date_due'} le $today) { }
22770TFif ($quickslip) { }
23440TFif $sth->err