Branch Coverage


4450TF$ENV{'DEBUG'} ? :
990TFif ($$result{'isbn'}) { }
1140TFif $$result{'itemtype'}
1160TFif ($$result{'author'})
1300TFif (not defined $error)
1370TFif ($result)
2110TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('NoZebra')) { }
2130TF$$result{'hits'} && $$result{'hits'} > 0 ? :
2190TFunless $query
2210TFdefined $servers ? :
2420TFif $zconns[$i]->errcode
2440TFif ($@)
2580TFif ($event == ZOOM::Event::ZEND())
2600TFdefined $offset ? :
2640TFif (defined $max_results and $offset + $max_results < $hits)
3320TF$servers[$i] =~ /biblioserver/ ? :
3350TFif $scan and $DEBUG
3390TFif ($query_type) { }
0TFelsif ($scan) { }
3400TFif ($query_type =~ /^ccl/) { }
0TFelsif ($query_type =~ /^cql/) { }
0TFelsif ($query_type =~ /^pqf/) { }
3560TFif ($@)
3640TFif ($sort eq 'author_az' or $sort eq 'author_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'author_za' or $sort eq 'author_dsc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'popularity_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'popularity_dsc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'call_number_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'call_number_dsc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'pubdate_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'pubdate_dsc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'acqdate_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'acqdate_dsc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'title_az' or $sort eq 'title_asc') { }
0TFelsif ($sort eq 'title_za' or $sort eq 'title_dsc') { }
4010TFif $sort_by
4040TFif ($sort_by and not $scan)
4050TFif ($results[$i]->sort('yaz', $sort_by) < 0)
4140TFif ($ev == ZOOM::Event::ZEND())
4150TFunless $results[$i - 1]
4170TFif ($size > 0)
4230TFif ($offset + $results_per_page <= $size) { }
4340TFif ($scan) { }
4460TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') { }
4700TFif (not $scan and $servers[$i - 1] =~ /biblioserver/)
4720TF$size > $facets_maxrecs ? :
4870TFif ($letters =~ /$subf[$i]/)
4950TFunless ($data ~~ \@used_datas)
5120TFif ($servers[$i - 1] =~ /biblioserver/)
5280TFif ($number_of_facets < 6 or $expanded_facet eq $link_value or $$facets_info{$link_value}{'expanded'})
5410TFif length $facet_label_value > $facet_max_length
5460TFif ($link_value =~ /branch/)
5470TFif (defined $branches and ref $branches eq 'HASH' and defined $$branches{$one_facet} and ref $$branches{$one_facet} eq 'HASH') { }
5720TFunless ($$facets_info{$link_value}{'expanded'})
5730TFif $number_of_facets > 6 and $expanded_facet ne $link_value
5770TFunless $$facets_info{$link_value}{'label_value'} =~ /Libraries/ and 'C4::Context'->preference('singleBranchMode')
6200TFif (exists $$hit{'md-work-author'})
6230TFdefined $work_author ? :
6300TFif (exists $$hit{'count'})
6710TFif (not $index =~ /phr|ext/)
6790TFif $_ =~ /(and|or|not)/
6800TFif (my($matched) = $operand =~ /([^\X\p{isAlnum}]\Q$_\E[^\X\p{isAlnum}]|[^\X\p{isAlnum}]\Q$_\E$|^\Q$_\E[^\X\p{isAlnum}])/gi)
6990TFif ($word =~ s/^\*([^\*]+)\*$/$1/) { }
0TFelsif ($word =~ s/^\*([^\*]+)$/$1/) { }
0TFelsif ($word =~ s/^([^\*]+)\*$/$1/) { }
0TFelsif (index($word, '*') < 0) { }
7320TFif $operand =~ /\d/
7430TFunless $stem =~ /(and$|or$|not$)/ or length $stem < 3
7470TFif $DEBUG
7640TFif ($index eq 'kw' or not $index) { }
0TFelsif ($index eq 'bc') { }
0TFelsif ($index eq 'an') { }
0TFelsif ($index =~ /,/) { }
7710TFif $fuzzy_enabled
7730TFif $stemming and $stemmed_operand
10330TFif $DEBUG
10360TF$operators ? :
10370TF$indexes ? :
10380TF$operands ? :
10390TF$limits ? :
10400TF$sort_by ? :
10490TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('NoZebra'))
10720TFif (not $query =~ /\s*ccl=/)
10770TFif $cclq
10820TFif ($query =~ /^ccl=/)
10860TFif (@limits)
10910TFif ($query =~ /^cql=/)
10940TFif ($query =~ /^pqf=/) { }
11240TFif ($operands[$i])
11310TFif ($operands[$i] =~ /\w(:|=)/ or $scan) { }
11430TFif ($index eq 'yr') { }
0TFelsif ($index eq 'acqdate') { }
0TFelsif ($index eq 'nb' or $index eq 'ns') { }
11650TFif (not $index)
11710TFunless ($indexes_set or not $index or $index =~ /(st-|phr|ext|wrdl|nb|ns)/)
11800TFif ($remove_stopwords)
11830TFif $DEBUG
11840TFif $stopwords_removed and $DEBUG
11880TFif ($auto_truncation)
11890TFunless ($index =~ /(st-|phr|ext)/)
11910TFindex($_, '*') > 0 ? :
11940TFif $DEBUG
12030TFif $DEBUG
12080TFif (scalar(@$righttruncated) + scalar(@$lefttruncated) + scalar(@$rightlefttruncated) > 0)
12170TFif (scalar @$nontruncated)
12210TFif (scalar @$righttruncated)
12220TFif $previous_truncation_operand
12260TFif (scalar @$lefttruncated)
12270TFif $previous_truncation_operand
12310TFif (scalar @$rightlefttruncated)
12320TFif $previous_truncation_operand
12370TFif $truncated_operand
12380TFif $DEBUG
12420TFif $stemming
12450TFif $DEBUG
12490TFif ($weight_fields)
12550TFif $DEBUG
12580TFif ($previous_operand) { }
12610TFif ($operators[$i - 1]) { }
12630TFunless $indexes_set
12660TFif $index
12670TFif $operands[$i]
12750TFunless $indexes_set
12770TFif $index
12780TFif $operands[$i]
12870TFunless $indexes_set
12900TFif $index
12910TFif $operands[$i]
12970TFif $DEBUG
13030TFif ($this_limit =~ /available/) { }
0TFelsif ($this_limit =~ /mc/) { }
13180TFif (not $k =~ /mc-i(tem)?type/)
13240TFif $group_OR_limits{$k}
13250TFif $group_OR_limits{$k}
13330TFif $limit or $query
13360TFif ($this_limit =~ /^branch:(.+)/) { }
13390TFif (defined $branchname) { }
13500TFif $query or $limit
13530TFif ($availability_limit)
13540TFif $query or $limit
13810TFif ($DEBUG)
14140TFif not $search_context or $search_context ne 'intranet'
14160TFif ($search_context eq 'opac')
14720TFif ($hits and $offset + $results_per_page <= $hits) { }
14860TF$bibliotag < 10 ? :
0TF$scan ? :
14980TF$search_context eq 'opac' && 'C4::Context'->preference('AuthorisedValueImages') || $search_context eq 'intranet' && 'C4::Context'->preference('StaffAuthorisedValueImages') ? :
15030TFif $$oldbiblio{'normalized_isbn'} or $$oldbiblio{'normalized_oclc'} or $$oldbiblio{'normalized_ean'} or $$oldbiblio{'normalized_upc'}
15100TFif ($itemtypes{$$oldbiblio{'itemtype'}}{'summary'})
15190TFif ($marcrecord->field($1))
15280TFif $$tags{$tag} > $max
15380TFif ($marcrecord->field($1))
15420TFif (not utf8::is_utf8($subfieldvalue))
15630TFif ($marcflavor eq 'MARC21' or $marcflavor eq 'NORMARC') { }
0TFelsif ($marcflavor eq 'UNIMARC') { }
15710TFif (!$hostbiblionumber eq undef)
15740TFif (!$hostbiblio eq undef)
15770TFif ($hostitem->subfield('9') eq $linkeditemnumber)
15800TFif (!$linkeditem eq undef)
16120TF$maxitems_pref ? :
16260TFif ($is_opac)
16320TF'C4::Context'->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch') eq 'homebranch' ? :
16330TF'C4::Context'->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch') eq 'homebranch' ? :
16360TFif ($$item{$hbranch}) { }
0TFelsif ($$item{$otherbranch}) { }
16460TFif ($$item{'onloan'} and not C4::Members::GetHideLostItemsPreference($$userenv{'number'}) && $$item{'itemlost'}) { }
16500TFif $$item{$hbranch}
16570TFif ($$item{'itemlost'}) { }
16690TFif ($$item{'notforloan'} == -1)
16810TFunless ($$item{'wthdrawn'} or $$item{'itemlost'} or $$item{'damaged'} or $$item{'notforloan'} or $items_count > 20)
17040TFif ($$item{'wthdrawn'} or $$item{'itemlost'} or $$item{'damaged'} or $$item{'notforloan'} > 0 or $$item{'hideatopac'} or $reservestatus eq 'Waiting' or $transfertwhen ne '') { }
17120TFif $$item{'wthdrawn'}
17130TFif $$item{'itemlost'}
17140TFif $$item{'damaged'}
17150TFif $$item{'hideatopac'}
17160TFif $transfertwhen ne ''
17170TFif $reservestatus eq 'Waiting'
17210TFif (!$$item{'damaged'} || 'C4::Context'->preference('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems') and not $$item{'itemlost'} and not $$item{'withdrawn'})
17340TF$transfertwhen ne '' ? :
17350TF$reservestatus ? :
17360TFif $notforloan_authorised_value
17370TFif $$item{$hbranch}
17460TFif $$item{$hbranch}
17550TFif ($items_count > 0)
17560TFif $is_opac and $hideatopac_count >= $items_count
17570TFif $hidelostitems and $itemlost_count >= $items_count
17610TFif ++$onloanitemscount > $maxitems
17650TFif ++$otheritemscount > $maxitems
17690TFif ++$availableitemscount > $maxitems
17760TFif $debug
17770TF$search_context eq 'opac' ? :
17780TFif (not $scan and 'C4::Context'->preference($interface . 'XSLTResultsDisplay'))
17850TFif (not 'C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes'))
17860TFif ($itemtypes{$$oldbiblio{'itemtype'}}{'notforloan'})
17900TFunless $can_place_holds
17910TFif $items_count > 1
17970TFif $available_count > 1
17990TFif $onloan_count > 1
18010TFif $other_count > 1
18110TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('AlternateHoldingsField') and $items_count == 0)
18230TFif (index($subfields, $$subfield[0]) >= 0)
18240TFif length $holding{'holding'} > 0
18290TFif ($havesubfield)
18670TFif (scalar @$itemtypes > 0 and $criteria ne 'itemtype')
18680TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes')) { }
18760TFif ($criteria =~ /itemtype/) { }
0TFelsif ($criteria =~ /itemcallnumber/) { }
18770TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('item-level_itypes')) { }
18830TFif (scalar @$itemtypes == 0)
18960TFunless scalar @loopcriteria > 0
18990TFunless scalar @loopcriteria > 0
19020TFif ($orderby =~ /date_desc/) { }
19190TFif ($@) { }
19270TFif scalar @{$cell{'loopdata'};} > 0
19500TFif $DEBUG
19520TFif $DEBUG
19700TFif $DEBUG
19750TFunless $server
19790TFif ($string =~ /"/)
19820TFif $DEBUG
19930TFif ($string =~ /^\s*\((.*)\)(( and | or | not | AND | OR | NOT )(.*))?/)
19970TFif $DEBUG
20010TFif ($operator) { }
20070TFif ($operator eq ' and ') { }
0TFelsif ($operator eq ' or ') { }
0TFelsif ($operator eq ' not ') { }
20240TFif $DEBUG
20280TFif ($string =~ /(.*?)( and | or | not | AND | OR | NOT )(.*)/)
20330TFif $DEBUG
20370TFif ($operator) { }
20400TFif $commacontent
20410TFif $commacontent
20420TFif $DEBUG
20450TFif $DEBUG
20460TFif $DEBUG
20500TFif ($operator eq ' and ') { }
0TFelsif ($operator eq ' or ') { }
0TFelsif ($operator eq ' not ') { }
20700TFif $commacontent
20740TFif $DEBUG
20800TFif ($string =~ /(.*)(>=|<=)(.*)/) { }
20890TFunless ($operator)
20900TFif ($string =~ /(.*)(>|<|=)(.*)/) { }
20940TFif $DEBUG
21070TFif $left =~ /^ti$/
21080TFif $left =~ /^au$/
21090TFif $left =~ /^pb$/
21100TFif $left =~ /^su$/
21110TFif $left =~ /^an$/
21120TFif $left =~ /^kw$/
21130TFif $left =~ /^mc$/
21140TFif $DEBUG
21160TFif ($operator and $left ne 'keyword') { }
21180TFif $operator eq '=' and $right =~ /%/
21220TFif $DEBUG
21300TFunless $_
21310TFif $DEBUG
21320TFunless $sth->execute($server, $left, $_)
21380TFunless $right =~ /^\d+$/ and $value =~ /\D/
21400TF$value =~ /\D/ ? :
21460TFif ($results) { }
21470TFif $DEBUG
21620TFif 'C4::Context'->stopwords->{uc $_}
21630TFif $DEBUG
21650TFunless $_
21720TFif ($results) { }
21760TFif $DEBUG
21810TFif $DEBUG
21840TFif $DEBUG
21910TFif $DEBUG
22030TFif $value =~ /(.*)-(\d+)$/
22040TFif ($rightresult =~ /\Q$value\E-(\d+);/)
22050TF$1 > $countvalue ? :
22100TFif $DEBUG
22280TFif $value =~ /(.*)-\d+$/
22290TFunless ($rightresult =~ "$value-")
22460TFif $DEBUG
22500TFunless $results_per_page
22510TFunless $offset
22570TFif ($ordering =~ /popularity/) { }
0TFelsif ($ordering =~ /author/) { }
0TFelsif ($ordering =~ /callnumber/) { }
0TFelsif ($ordering =~ /pubdate/) { }
0TFelsif ($ordering =~ /title/) { }
22810TFif ($ordering eq 'popularity_dsc') { }
23080TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') { }
23100TFunless $author
23240TFif ($ordering eq 'author_za' or $ordering eq 'author_dsc') { }
23530TFunless $callnumber_tag
23550TFif ('C4::Context'->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') { }
23690TFif ($ordering eq 'call_number_dsc') { }
24050TFif ($ordering eq 'pubdate_dsc') { }
24430TFif ($ordering eq 'title_az') { }
24550TFif $numbers < $results_per_page
25090TFif $numbers < $results_per_page
25190TFif $$result_hash{'RECORDS'}[$counter]
26320TFif (defined $isbn and $isbn->is_valid) { }
26340TFif not ref $bibrec
26370TFif not ref $bibrec
26430TFif defined $$bibrec{$field}
26570TFif ($fieldname =~ /\./) { }
26600TFif $DEBUG
26610TF$string ? :
26810TFif ($ev == ZOOM::Event::ZEND())
26820TFunless $results[$i - 1]
26840TFif ($size > 0)