Branch Coverage


480TF@_ ? :
500TFif ($interface ne 'intranet') { }
570TF'C4::Context'->config('template_cache_dir') ? :
0TF'C4::Context'->config('template_cache_dir') ? :
0TFunless my $template = 'Template'->new({'EVAL_PERL', 1, 'ABSOLUTE', 1, 'PLUGIN_BASE', 'Koha::Template::Plugin', 'COMPILE_EXT', 'C4::Context'->config('template_cache_dir') ? '.ttc' : '', 'COMPILE_DIR', 'C4::Context'->config('template_cache_dir') ? 'C4::Context'->config('template_cache_dir') : '', 'INCLUDE_PATH', ["$htdocs/$theme/$lang/includes", "$htdocs/$theme/en/includes"], 'FILTERS', {}})
910TFif ($self->interface eq 'intranet') { }
990TF'C4::Context'->preference('yuipath') eq 'local' ? :
1030TF$$self{'interface'} ne 'intranet' ? :
1150TFif (ref $$vars{$k} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif (ref $$vars{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
1220TFif utf8::is_utf8($$vars{$k})
1270TFunless $template->process($self->filename, $vars, \$data)
1350TFif (ref $element eq 'ARRAY')
1390TFif (ref $element eq 'HASH')
1430TFif utf8::is_utf8($element)
1500TFif (ref $$hashref{$key} eq 'ARRAY')
1540TFif (ref $$hashref{$key} eq 'HASH')
1580TFif utf8::is_utf8($$hashref{$key})
1820TFif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY' and not scalar @$val) { }
0TFelsif (ref $val eq 'HASH' and not scalar %$val) { }
1840TFif ($key) { }
2120TF$is_intranet ? :
2180TFunless (-f $filename)
2280TFunless $query
2360TF$is_intranet ? :
2390TF'C4::Context'->preference('yuipath') eq 'local' ? :
0TF$is_intranet ? :
2520TFif $$current_lang{'script'}
2580TFif $$sublang{'enabled'}
2620TF$num_languages_enabled <= 1 ? :
0TFunless @$languages_loop < 2
2750TFunless $query
2820TF$is_intranet ? :
2880TFif (-e "$htdocs/$theme/$lang/modules/$tmpl")
3170TF$is_intranet ? :
3230TFif ($query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage'))
3290TFunless ($lang)
3360TFunless first sub { $_ eq $lang; } , @languages
3390TFunless $lang